Dissension, mind your business, perception
Embodies the void, perfection
Ancient symbols, hidden knowledge
Dragon will unleash himself
Listen closely all will be
Enlightened as a consequence
- "Prophecy of the Dragon" by The Voidz
Am I a prisoner to instincts or do my thoughts just live
As free and attached as boats to the dock?
Just like the music was born and detached from your heart
Is your free time to free minds or for falling apart?
- "Ize of the World" by The Strokes
Unlearning to Not SpeakĀ 

by Marge Piercy

Blizzards of paper
in slow motion
sift through her.
In nightmares she suddenly recalls
a class she signed up for
but forgot to attend.
Now it is too late.
Now it is time for finals:
losers will be shot.
Phrases of men who lectured her
drift and rustle in piles:
Why don't you speak up?
Why are you shouting?
You have the wrong answer,
wrong line, wrong face.
They tell her she is womb-man,
babymachine, mirror image, toy,
earth mother and penis-poor,
a dish of synthetic strawberry icecream
She grunts to a halt.
She must learn again to speak
starting with I
starting with We
starting as the infant does
with her own true hunger
and pleasureĀ 
and rage.
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