Liminal Nascence is a sci-fi/body horror, 2D and experimental animated short to the song Vodka & Soda by Raue that I am currently in the process of making. It is an expansion of Jean Kilbourne’s proposition in Killing Us Softly 4: Advertising's Image of Women, that if aliens were to come to earth and observe human media, they would have no clue what the essence or experience of being a woman is really like. The animated film starts with technologically savvy aliens discovering earth, taking a dose of human media, and then deciding to scan into the mind of a passerby human-woman, Renata. Their alien perspective coupled with their technological devices are able to visually illustrate how Renata is feeling as she exists on earth, surrounded by human media. Playing off of the Lacanian psychoanalysis theory of the “pre-symbolic”, which Liz Bondi describes as the stage when a young child chooses between “giving up a sense of being limitless and a sense of continuity with the rest of the world”, the aliens represent the opportunity of younger human-generations to progress past our current societal state and patriarchal norms (Bondi 251). Simultaneously, the aliens represent the “unconscious” of already existing humans, of whom have a little bit of alien left inside of them. The aliens watch from afar, yet see an up-close and passionate display, as Renata struggles to nurture the “alien” inside herself through empowering her expressions of emotion and diverging from conventional codes. The media Renata finds herself fighting against will be represented through collaged experimental animation of magazine cutouts, and a giant hand wielding an electrical cable.
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